hymnal 229 1. O Thou, the Lamb of God, Spotless and most holy, Is slain, th'unblemished Lamb, to bear Our sins at Calvary. 2. This is the broken bread, The body marred for me, The very body of the Lord, Nailbroken on the tree. 3. This is the blood outpoured In judgment, in my stead; For you, for me, at Calvary In love and mercy shed. 4. Here is the table spread Which Jesus doth prepare, Who gives us now this bread of life, This cup which now we share. 5. The Lord for Whom we yearn, Ascended for a space, Comes soon, and we at His return With joy shall see His face. 6. And we? Until that hour, Let us, in every place Bear still our cross, still tell His power, His mercy and His grace!