hymnal 284 1. The abundant love of Jesus made us clean, who Long were sunk in sin, and Stained beyond belief. Now we are God's children, Not by our deserving, But by saving love, which Came to our relief. Such abundant love, Limitless and free! Praise the grace of Jesus, Dying in our place! Such abundant love, Love for you and me! Praise the love of Jesus! Praise His saving grace! 2. Now that we've been cleansed by Jesus' precious blood, and Taught to shun the sin in Which of old we trod, Earthly clouds of worry Melt away to nothing In the shining glory Of the light of God. Such abundant love, Limitless and free! Praise the grace of Jesus, Dying in our place! Such abundant love, Love for you and me! Praise the love of Jesus! Praise His saving grace! 3. O, dear friends, awake from Sin's ensnaring sleep, and Insubstantial earthly Dreams that fade away! Now across the earth, the Cry is sounding forth, "To day's the day of grace! You can be saved today!" Such abundant love, Limitless and free! Praise the grace of Jesus, Dying in our place! Such abundant love, Love for you and me! Praise the love of Jesus! Praise His saving grace!