hymnal 354 1. They that wait upon the Lord, Shall mount up, shall mount up, Like eagles in flight. Fears and follies cast away, They shall conquer in the gray, Mounting up, mounting up! Like eagles their might! Who wait upon the Lord, Who wait upon the Lord, Who wait upon the Lord, In strength shall be restored! 2. They that wait upon the Lord, They shall walk, they shall walk, Nor faint in the way, Ranging far and wide to seek For the Shepherd's wandering sheep, Searching on, searching on, Unfainting all day. Who wait upon the Lord, Who wait upon the Lord, Who wait upon the Lord, In strength shall be restored! 3. They that wait upon the Lord, They shall run, they shall run, All weariness gone, Swiftly on for heaven's door And a crown forevermore, Pressing on, pressing on, Unwearied and strong. Who wait upon the Lord, Who wait upon the Lord, Who wait upon the Lord, In strength shall be restored! 4. They that wait upon the Lord, Shall mount up, shall mount up, Like eagles that fly; And by grace their joy shall be Jesus' glory there to see, Mounting up, mounting up, Like eagles on high. Who wait upon the Lord, Who wait upon the Lord, Who wait upon the Lord, In strength shall be restored!