hymnal 356 1. War of the soul is invitation: Shout forth Jesus' name; His holy glory and salvation Far abroad proclaim! In the warfare of the soul, O, my Lord, take full control. O, Captain, lead! 'Tis Thee I need, O, Thou lover of man's soul! 2. A people beneath sin's vast dominion Save, Lord, make Thine own, Thy people, of Thy Glory Kingdom, Gathered to Thy throne. In the warfare of the soul, O, my Lord, take full control. O, Captain, lead! 'Tis Thee I need, O, Thou lover of man's soul! 3. For strength to my soul's foe's dispelling, Whom shall I entreat? Already Christ hath conquered, quelling Satan beneath His feet. In the warfare of the soul, O, my Lord, take full control. O, Captain, lead! 'Tis Thee I need, O, Thou lover of man's soul! 4. Remake me, Lord, hell's pains to sever, New strength give to me, That in that strength I might forever Live in victory! In the warfare of the soul, O, my Lord, take full control. O, Captain, lead! 'Tis Thee I need, O, Thou lover of man's soul! Amen.