hymnal 455 1 We shall be like Him, O wonderful thought! Blessed the hope the assurance hath wrought: Changed from the sorrow and trials of years, We shall be like Him, when Jesus appears. We shall be like Him, Oh, how the promise cheers! We shall be like Him, when Jesus appears. 2 Eye hath not seen, nor hath ear ever heard What we shall be but, a voice from His word Whispers a message that charms all our fears, We shall be like Him, when Jesus appears. We shall be like Him, Oh, how the promise cheers! We shall be like Him, when Jesus appears. 3 Why, then, repine when the roadway is rough? Are not His word and the promise enough? Rainbows of love span the valley of tears, We shall be like Him, when Jesus appears. We shall be like Him, Oh, how the promise cheers! We shall be like Him, when Jesus appears. 4 We shall be like Him, the hope of the soul; We shall be like Him, made perfectly whole; Caught up with saints, as the firmament clears, We shall be like Him, when Jesus appears. We shall be like Him, Oh, how the promise cheers! We shall be like Him, when Jesus appears.