1. From the height He came down, became low for me, Lowly ones He lifted high by His love. Though He was rich, our Lord for us became so poor, Making the poor to become rich by His love. O Lord, what can I so unworthy offer to You? My small alabaster jar I give to honor my Lord. 2. Holy are You, my Lord: humbly You did act, Washing, their feet Your disciples made clean. Sinless, Your blood that flowed, blood from Your cross came down Sinners to free, giving salvation for us. O Lord, what can I so unworthy offer to You? My small alabaster jar I give to honor my Lord. 3. You bore the cross for us, love's redeeming lamb. You gave to us great salvation from sin. When we awake to know how priceless that love is, Then with glad hearts we follow Him where He leads. O Lord, what can I so unworthy offer to You? My small alabaster jar I give to honor my Lord. Amen.