1. Lord my God alone, make me to go Only after You. Whether hard circumstance, Trouble comes to me, and it blocks the way ahead of me. I will go on, cast it far from me, Rough sea waves of sadness also, I will conquer these. Make me always take the right road, Follow after You. 2. Shines my Jesus Lord, shows the right way I can follow You. Temptations fearful and Trials testing me make the way before me spin around. I will go on singing hymns aloud, Hallelujah, giving thanks rejoicing unto God. Make me always take the right road, Follow after You. 3. Holy comforter, make me obey, Make me follow You. Endless surprising love, Great Your love for me leads the way before me to the end. Leading me on, I give thanks to God That the final path brings victory when I meet the Lord. Make me always take the right road, Follow after You.