1. When Christ of old with healing power Went forth through all the suff'ring land, His word so oft was wont to be, "Stretch forth thy hand, stretch forth thy hand!" And tho' the palsied arm might shrink, And tremble at the strange command, The healing touch was only felt While stretching forth the withered hand. O suff'ring one, stretch forth thy hand, Upon His promise take your stand. At His command stretch forth thy hand, And Christ shall make you whole. 2. That changeless Christ is still as near, And just as kind and strong to save; He came to lift our fallen race From sin and sickness and the grave: As in the days of Galilee, Disease still flees at His command, Be ere His touch your frame can feel, You too must still stretch forth thy hand. O suff'ring one, stretch forth thy hand, Upon His promise take your stand. At His command stretch forth thy hand, And Christ shall make you whole. 3. What tho' you feel so weak and faint? He can your will with strength endue, New faith and courage breathe within, And work in you the will to do; Reach out to meet His quick'ning touch, Take up your bed; arise and stand, And pressing through to meet your Lord, Stretch forth thy hand, stretch forth thy hand. O suff'ring one, stretch forth thy hand, Upon His promise take your stand. At His command stretch forth thy hand, And Christ shall make you whole.