hymnal 539 1 Go, carry thy burden to Jesus, And lay down thy load at His feet, Where Calvary’s cross is uplifted, Find pardon and comforting sweet. O, steal away softly to Jesus, To Him let thy heart be outpoured; Thy Father, who seeth in secret, Shall give thee a gracious reward. 2 Rejoice in His wonderful mercy, Thy soul from its sorrow relieved, Then, turning in love to thy neighbor, Give freely, as thou hast received. O, steal away softly to Jesus, To Him let thy heart be outpoured; Thy Father, who seeth in secret, Shall give thee a gracious reward. 3 Let Christ be thy gracious Companion, Keep close to His side, day by day; The Fountain, unseen, of the blessings That brighten and gladden the way. O, steal away softly to Jesus, To Him let thy heart be outpoured; Thy Father, who seeth in secret, Shall give thee a gracious reward. 4 O, fellowship precious and holy, His life, overflowing in love, Shall bring to the needy around thee Fair sunbeams and bloom from above. O, steal away softly to Jesus, To Him let thy heart be outpoured; Thy Father, who seeth in secret, Shall give thee a gracious reward.