hymnal 96 1. "Who," you ask me, "is my Jesus?" Mourners' Comforter is He. He is plenty for the needy Height for all of low degree, He's the freedom of the captive, And our joy eternally. 2. Who is Jesus Strength for Weakness; Light and vision for the blind; He is healing for the ailing, Health of body, soul and mind; For the dead He's Resurrection, And in Him our life we find. 3. Who is Jesus He's the Answer When uncertainties increase; Life for death and Mediator For the sinner's sure release; Sure salvation for the perished, And our everlasting peace. 4. Who is Jesus He's the Head of Us His Church; our Lord and Friend. He's the Savior of all nations King to whom all kings shall bend; Lord of Judgment for all peoples, And our glory without end.